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GB/T 8145-2021E更新时间: 2024-11-26


“脂松香(英文版)”的标准号是:GB/T 8145-2021E

GB/T 8145-2021E《脂松香(英文版)》由国家市场监督管理总局 国家标准化管理委员会于2021-10-11发布,并于2022-02-01实施。

该标准的起草单位为中国林业科学研究院林产化学工业研究所、普洱市思茅区森盛林化有限责任公司、广西梧州日成林产化工股份有限公司、新洲(武平)林化有限公司、广州精久技术咨询服务有限公司、江西飞尚林产有限公司、广东华林化工有限公司;起草人是王婧、赵振东、高宏、陈玉湘、毕良武、古研、李海兵、侯文彪、刘富林、万莉、张雄伟、祝军  。


Rosin, also commonly referred to as colophony or pine rosin, is a solid form of resin which is derived from various species of pine trees. It's extracted by tapping the tree, similar to how maple syrup is obtained from maple trees. The clear liquid that initially comes out gradually thickens and turns into a brittle, translucent, glass-like substance on exposure to air. Its color can range from nearly colorless to a golden yellow, depending on the tree species and extraction technique.

Rosin has been utilized for numerous purposes since ancient times. Industrially, it's a crucial ingredient in products such as adhesives, printing inks, soaps, paper sizing, and varnishes due to its sticky, adhesive properties. Additionally, artists and musicians use rosin as an aid in bowing string instruments; the fine dust generated helps to improve grip between the bow and the strings, allowing for better control and sound quality in performances.

Furthermore, rosin finds applications in the world of sports as well. Athletes participating in high friction activities, such as rock climbing and baseball, often apply rosin to their hands or equipment to enhance grip and reduce slipping. Despite its wide array of uses, handling rosin does require caution as it can be allergenic to some individuals, especially in its powdered form when inhaled.

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