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《无损检测 渗透检测用试块(英文版)》执行标准号是什么

GB/T 23911-2009E 更新时间: 2024-10-13


“无损检测 渗透检测用试块(英文版)”的标准号是:GB/T 23911-2009E

GB/T 23911-2009E《无损检测 渗透检测用试块(英文版)》由中华人民共和国国家质量监督检验检疫总局 中国国家标准化管理委员会于2009-05-26发布,并于2009-12-01实施。

该标准的起草单位为上海材料研究所、上海苏州美柯达探伤器材有限公司、贵州云马飞机制造厂、上海市工程材料应用评价重点实验室、上海上材电磁设备有限公司、上海泛亚无损检测技术有限公司、上海上材工程材料检测有限公司;起草人是金宇飞、王海峰、应荣福、李莉、宓中玉、赵成、熊蜀冰 。

“无损检测 渗透检测用试块(英文版)”介绍

Penetrant inspection test blocks are crucial elements within the non-destructive testing (NDT) industry, especially for evaluating surface defects on materials or components without causing any harm to them. These specialized blocks simulate various types of surface flaws in different sizes and shapes, enabling users to verify the effectiveness of their penetrant inspection procedures, as well as the sensitivity of the penetrant systems used.

Made from materials like metal, plastic, or glass, these test blocks are precision-engineered with specific types of cracks, such as fine lines, star-shaped cracks, holes, or even more complex geometrical patterns. They are utilized to confirm that the entire penetrant inspection process—which includes pre-cleaning, application of penetrant, removal of excess penetrant, developer application, and flaw revelation—is conducted correctly and effectively. Furthermore, they play a vital role in the certification and training of personnel involved in this kind of NDT, ensuring high standards and reliability in defect detection across industries like aerospace, automotive, and manufacturing.

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